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Cerita Kancil dan Gergasi dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

The Mouse Deer and the Giant

This is a story about a clever mouse deer and a foolish giant. The mouse deer was small but smart. He liked to trick other animals for fun. The giant was big but dumb. He liked to bully other animals with his strength.

One day, the mouse deer was walking in the forest. He saw a giant sleeping under a tree. The mouse deer thought it would be fun to play a prank on the giant. He tiptoed to the giant and whispered in his ear, “Hey, giant, wake up! There is a delicious fruit for you to eat!”

The giant opened his eyes and saw the mouse deer. He was hungry and wanted to eat the mouse deer. He grabbed the mouse deer and said, “You are not a fruit, you are a mouse deer! And you are my lunch!”

The mouse deer was scared, but he did not show it. He pretended to be calm and said, “Oh, giant, you are mistaken. I am not a mouse deer, I am a fruit. Look at my skin, it is brown and smooth like a fruit. And look at my horns, they are green and curly like a fruit. And look at my tail, it is long and thin like a fruit. I am a fruit, and you are lucky to find me!”

The giant was confused. He looked at the mouse deer and thought he did look like a fruit. He said, “But you have legs and eyes and a mouth. Fruits don’t have legs and eyes and a mouth.”

The mouse deer said, “That’s because I am a special fruit. I have legs and eyes and a mouth to protect myself from predators. But I am still a fruit, and I am very sweet and juicy. You should try me, giant. You will never taste anything like me!”

The giant was curious. He wanted to taste the mouse deer. He said, “OK, I will try you. But how do I eat you? Do I peel you or bite you?”

The mouse deer said, “You have to peel me first. But you have to be careful, because my skin is very thin and delicate. You have to peel me gently, or you will ruin me. And you have to peel me here, under this tree, where it is shady and cool. If you peel me in the sun, I will dry up and lose my flavor.”

The giant agreed. He carried the mouse deer to the shade under the tree. He put the mouse deer on the ground and said, “Now, how do I peel you?”

The mouse deer said, “You have to use your fingernails. But you have to be gentle, or you will hurt me. And you have to start from my tail, and peel me all the way to my head. If you start from my head, I will scream and spoil your appetite.”

The giant nodded. He used his fingernail to peel the mouse deer’s tail. He peeled it slowly and carefully, as the mouse deer instructed. He peeled the mouse deer’s tail, then his legs, then his body, then his neck. He was about to peel the mouse deer’s head, when the mouse deer suddenly jumped up and ran away.

The giant was shocked. He realized he had been fooled by the mouse deer. He shouted, “Hey, you are not a fruit, you are a mouse deer! And you tricked me!”

The mouse deer laughed. He said, “Ha ha ha, you are right, giant. I am a mouse deer, and I tricked you. You are so dumb, giant. You can’t tell the difference between a fruit and a mouse deer. And you wasted your time peeling me, while I escaped from your grasp. Goodbye, giant. Thanks for the fun!”

The mouse deer ran into the forest, leaving the giant angry and embarrassed. The giant learned his lesson. He never trusted the mouse deer again. And he never bullied other animals again.


Kancil dan Gergasi

Ini adalah cerita tentang seekor kancil yang cerdik dan seekor gergasi yang bodoh. Kancil itu kecil tapi pintar. Dia suka menipu binatang lain untuk bersenang-senang. Gergasi itu besar tapi tolol. Dia suka menggertak binatang lain dengan kekuatannya.

Suatu hari, kancil sedang berjalan di hutan. Dia melihat gergasi tertidur di bawah pohon. Kancil berpikir akan menyenangkan untuk mengusili gergasi. Dia mengendap-endap ke gergasi dan berbisik di telinganya, “Hei, gergasi, bangun! Ada buah lezat untuk kamu makan!”

Gergasi membuka matanya dan melihat kancil. Dia lapar dan ingin memakan kancil. Dia meraih kancil dan berkata, “Kamu bukan buah, kamu kancil! Dan kamu adalah makan siangku!”

Kancil ketakutan, tapi dia tidak menunjukkannya. Dia pura-pura tenang dan berkata, “Oh, gergasi, kamu salah. Aku bukan kancil, aku buah. Lihat kulitku, coklat dan halus seperti buah. Dan lihat tandukku, hijau dan keriting seperti buah. Dan lihat ekorku, panjang dan tipis seperti buah. Aku buah, dan kamu beruntung menemukanku!”

Gergasi bingung. Dia melihat kancil dan berpikir dia memang seperti buah. Dia berkata, “Tapi kamu punya kaki dan mata dan mulut. Buah tidak punya kaki dan mata dan mulut.”

Kancil berkata, “Itu karena aku buah istimewa. Aku punya kaki dan mata dan mulut untuk melindungi diriku dari pemangsa. Tapi aku tetap buah, dan aku sangat manis dan segar. Kamu harus mencobaku, gergasi. Kamu tidak akan pernah merasakan apa pun seperti aku!”

Gergasi penasaran. Dia ingin mencicipi kancil. Dia berkata, “Baiklah, aku akan mencobamu. Tapi bagaimana cara memakanku? Apakah aku harus mengupasmu atau menggigitmu?”

Kancil berkata, “Kamu harus mengupasku dulu. Tapi kamu harus hati-hati, karena kulitku sangat tipis dan lembut. Kamu harus mengupasku dengan lembut, atau kamu akan merusakku. Dan kamu harus mengupasku di sini, di bawah pohon ini, di mana teduh dan sejuk. Jika kamu mengupasku di bawah matahari, aku akan kering dan kehilangan rasaku.”

Gergasi setuju. Dia membawa kancil ke tempat teduh di bawah pohon. Dia meletakkan kancil di tanah dan berkata, “Sekarang, bagaimana cara mengupasmu?”

Kancil berkata, “Kamu harus menggunakan kukumu. Tapi kamu harus lembut, atau kamu akan melukai aku. Dan kamu harus mulai dari ekorku, dan mengupasku sampai kepalaku. Jika kamu mulai dari kepalaku, aku akan berteriak dan merusak selera makanku.”

Gergasi mengangguk. Dia menggunakan kukunya untuk mengupas ekor kancil. Dia mengupasnya pelan-pelan dan hati-hati, sesuai petunjuk kancil. Dia mengupas ekor kancil, lalu kakinya, lalu badannya, lalu lehernya. Dia akan mengupas kepala kancil, ketika kancil tiba-tiba melompat dan lari.

Gergasi terkejut. Dia sadar dia telah ditipu oleh kancil. Dia berteriak, “Hei, kamu bukan buah, kamu kancil! Dan kamu menipuku!”

Kancil tertawa. Dia berkata, “Ha ha ha, kamu benar, gergasi. Aku kancil, dan aku menipumu. Kamu begitu bodoh, gergasi. Kamu tidak bisa membedakan antara buah dan kancil. Dan kamu membuang-buang waktumu mengupasku, sementara aku lolos dari cengkeramanmu. Selamat tinggal, gergasi. Terima kasih atas kesenangannya!”

Kancil lari ke hutan, meninggalkan gergasi marah dan malu. Gergasi belajar pelajarannya. Dia tidak pernah percaya lagi pada kancil. Dan dia tidak pernah menggertak binatang lain lagi.

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