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Cerita Kancil dan Sapi dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

The Mouse Deer and the Cow 

Once upon a time, there lived a clever mouse deer in the jungle. He liked to play tricks on other animals, especially the cow. The cow was big and strong, but not very smart. The mouse deer often made fun of the cow and laughed at her.

One day, the mouse deer saw the cow grazing near a pond. He decided to play a trick on her. He approached the cow and said, "Hello, my dear friend cow. You look so beautiful today. Your fur is shiny and your horns are sharp. But do you know what is the most beautiful thing about you?"

The cow was flattered by the mouse deer's words. She asked, "What is it, my dear friend mouse deer?"

The mouse deer said, "It is your reflection in the pond. Have you ever seen it? It is so amazing. You should go and see it for yourself."

The cow was curious and followed the mouse deer to the pond. She looked into the water and saw her reflection. She was amazed by what she saw. She said, "Wow, you are right, my dear friend mouse deer. My reflection is so beautiful. Thank you for showing me this."

The mouse deer said, "You are welcome, my dear friend cow. But do you know what is even more amazing? If you drink some of the water, your reflection will become even more beautiful. You should try it."

The cow believed the mouse deer and bent down to drink some of the water. As soon as she did, the mouse deer jumped on her back and kicked her horns. The cow felt a sharp pain and lifted her head. She saw the mouse deer laughing at her. She realized that he had tricked her. She said, "How dare you, you naughty mouse deer. You lied to me and hurt me. I will teach you a lesson."

The cow chased the mouse deer, but he was too fast and agile. He ran away and hid behind a tree. He said, "Ha ha ha, you are so foolish, my dear friend cow. You fell for my trick. You should not trust anyone who flatters you. You should be proud of yourself and not care about your reflection. Goodbye, my dear friend cow."

The mouse deer ran away, leaving the cow angry and embarrassed. She learned a valuable lesson that day. She decided to be more careful and not let anyone fool her again.


Kancil dan Sapi

Dahulu kala, hiduplah seekor kancil yang pandai di hutan. Dia suka mempermainkan hewan lain, terutama sapi. Sapi itu besar dan kuat, tetapi tidak terlalu pintar. Kancil sering mengolok-olok sapi dan menertawakannya.

Suatu hari, kancil melihat sapi merumput di dekat kolam. Dia memutuskan untuk mempermainkannya. Dia mendekati sapi itu dan berkata, "Halo, sahabatku sapi. Kamu terlihat sangat cantik hari ini. Bulumu berkilau dan tandukmu tajam. Tapi tahukah kamu apa hal terindah tentangmu?"

Sapi itu tersanjung oleh kata-kata kancil. Dia bertanya, "Ada apa, temanku baik kancil?"

Kancil berkata, "Ini adalah bayanganmu di kolam. Pernahkah Anda melihatnya? Sungguh menakjubkan. Kamu harus pergi dan melihatnya sendiri."

Sapi itu penasaran dan mengikuti kancil ke kolam. Dia melihat ke dalam air dan melihat bayangannya. Dia kagum dengan apa yang dilihatnya. Dia berkata, "Wow, kamu benar, temanku tikus kancil. Bayangan saya sangat indah. Terima kasih telah menunjukkan ini padaku."

Kancil berkata, "Sama-sama, sahabatku sapi. Tapi tahukah Anda apa yang lebih menakjubkan? Jika Anda minum air, bayangan Anda akan menjadi lebih indah. Kamu harus mencobanya."

Sapi itu percaya pada kancil dan membungkuk untuk minum air. Begitu dia melakukannya, kancil melompat ke punggungnya dan menendang tanduknya. Sapi itu merasakan sakit yang tajam dan mengangkat kepalanya. Dia melihat kancil menertawakannya. Dia menyadari bahwa dia telah menipunya. Dia berkata, "Beraninya kamu, kamu kancil nakal. Kamu berbohong padaku dan menyakitiku. Aku akan memberimu pelajaran."

Sapi itu mengejar kancil, tetapi dia terlalu cepat dan gesit. Dia melarikan diri dan bersembunyi di balik pohon. Dia berkata, "Ha ha ha, kamu sangat bodoh, sahabatku sapi. Anda jatuh karena trik saya. Anda seharusnya tidak mempercayai siapa pun yang menyanjung Anda. Anda harus bangga pada diri sendiri dan tidak peduli dengan refleksi Anda. Selamat tinggal, temanku sapi."

Kancil melarikan diri, meninggalkan sapi itu marah dan malu. Dia mendapat pelajaran berharga hari itu. Dia memutuskan untuk lebih berhati-hati dan tidak membiarkan siapa pun membodohinya lagi.

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