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Cerita Kancil dan Siput dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

The mouse deer and the snail are two animals that live in the tropical forest. They have very different characteristics: the mouse deer is fast and clever, while the snail is slow and humble. In this folk tale, we will see how the snail teaches the mouse deer a lesson about being overconfident and arrogant.

One day, the mouse deer was walking around the forest, puffing out his chest and boasting about himself. He thought he was the smartest and the fastest animal in the forest, and he looked down on the other animals. When he saw the snail crawling on the ground, he said mockingly, “Hello, little snail. How are you today? You look so slow and weak. Don’t you wish you were like me, smart and agile?”

The snail felt annoyed by the mouse deer’s words, but he did not lose his temper. He said calmly, “Hello, my dear friend mouse deer. I am fine, thank you. I am happy with who I am and what I have. I don’t need to be like you, because I have my own strengths and abilities.”

The mouse deer laughed and said, “What strengths and abilities do you have? You are so small and slow, you can’t do anything. You are just a useless creature. I bet you can’t even beat me in a race.”

The snail said, “Well, I don’t think that you are the smartest and fastest animal in the forest. I challenge you to have a race with me from one side of the forest to the other side tomorrow morning. We will see who is the smarter and faster between us.”

The mouse deer agreed to the challenge, thinking that it would be an easy win for him. He said, “Okay, little snail. I accept your challenge. But don’t cry when you lose, because I will show you how fast and smart I am.”

The next morning, all the animals in the forest gathered to watch the race. The mouse deer and the snail were ready at the starting line. The mouse deer said to the snail, “Don’t worry, little snail. I will go easy on you. You can go first, and I will follow you later.”

The snail said, “Okay, thank you for your kindness. But don’t regret if you lose, because I will show you how slow and smart you are.”

Then the snail started to crawl slowly, leaving the mouse deer behind. The mouse deer waited for a few minutes, then he decided to run after the snail. He was sure that he would catch up with the snail in no time. He ran and ran, until he reached the middle of the forest. He shouted, “Snail, where are you?”

To his surprise, he heard the snail’s voice from far ahead, saying, “I am here, mouse deer. I have been far ahead of you.”

The mouse deer was shocked. How could the snail be so fast? He thought that maybe the snail had a shortcut or a trick. He ran faster and faster, until he reached the end of the forest. He shouted again, “Snail, where are you?”

To his astonishment, he saw the snail waiting for him at the finish line, saying, “I am here, mouse deer. I have been waiting for you for a long time.”

The mouse deer could not believe his eyes. He had lost the race to the snail. He felt ashamed and embarrassed. He asked the snail, “How did you do that? How did you beat me in the race?”

The snail smiled and said, “It was simple, mouse deer. I used my brain, not my legs. I asked my friends, the other snails, to help me. We spread ourselves along the forest, and we pretended to be me. When you called me, we answered you from different places. You thought that I was one snail, but I was many snails. That’s how I tricked you and won the race.”

The mouse deer realized that he had been fooled by the snail. He felt humbled and sorry. He said to the snail, “You are right, snail. You are smarter than me. I was wrong to underestimate you and overestimate myself. I apologize for being rude and arrogant to you. Please forgive me, and let’s be friends.”

The snail accepted the mouse deer’s apology and offered his friendship. He said, “I forgive you, mouse deer. And I accept your friendship. But please remember, don’t judge a book by its cover. Don’t look down on others because of their appearance or abilities. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Everyone deserves respect and kindness.”

The mouse deer nodded and thanked the snail. He learned his lesson and changed his attitude. He became more humble and respectful to the other animals. He and the snail became good friends, and they lived happily in the forest.


Kancil dan siput adalah dua binatang yang hidup di hutan tropis. Mereka memiliki karakteristik yang sangat berbeda: kancil cepat dan cerdik, sedangkan siput lambat dan rendah hati. Dalam dongeng ini, kita akan melihat bagaimana siput mengajari kancil sebuah pelajaran tentang menjadi sombong dan angkuh.

Suatu hari, kancil sedang berjalan-jalan di hutan, membumbungkan dadanya dan membanggakan dirinya sendiri. Dia mengira dia adalah binatang paling pintar dan paling cepat di hutan, dan dia meremehkan binatang-binatang lain. Ketika dia melihat siput merayap di tanah, dia berkata dengan mengejek, “Halo, siput kecil. Apa kabar hari ini? Kamu terlihat begitu lambat dan lemah. Tidakkah kamu ingin seperti saya, pintar dan lincah?”

Siput merasa kesal dengan perkataan kancil, tetapi dia tidak marah. Dia berkata dengan tenang, “Halo, sahabatku kancil. Saya baik-baik saja, terima kasih. Saya senang dengan siapa saya dan apa yang saya miliki. Saya tidak perlu seperti kamu, karena saya memiliki kekuatan dan kemampuan saya sendiri.”

Kancil tertawa dan berkata, “Kekuatan dan kemampuan apa yang kamu miliki? Kamu begitu kecil dan lambat, kamu tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa. Kamu hanya makhluk yang tidak berguna. Saya yakin kamu tidak bisa mengalahkan saya dalam lomba lari.”

Siput berkata, “Baiklah, saya tidak berpikir bahwa kamu adalah binatang paling pintar dan paling cepat di hutan. Saya menantangmu untuk berlomba lari dengan saya dari satu sisi hutan ke sisi lain besok pagi. Kita akan lihat siapa yang lebih pintar dan lebih cepat di antara kita.”

Kancil menyetujui tantangan itu, berpikir bahwa itu akan menjadi kemenangan mudah baginya. Dia berkata, “Baiklah, siput kecil. Saya terima tantanganmu. Tapi jangan menangis jika kamu kalah, karena saya akan menunjukkan padamu betapa cepat dan pintar saya.”

Keesokan paginya, semua binatang di hutan berkumpul untuk menyaksikan perlombaan itu. Kancil dan siput siap di garis start. Kancil berkata kepada siput, “Jangan khawatir, siput kecil. Saya akan bersikap baik padamu. Kamu bisa pergi duluan, dan saya akan mengikutimu nanti.”

Siput berkata, “Baiklah, terima kasih atas kebaikanmu. Tapi jangan menyesal jika kamu kalah, karena saya akan menunjukkan padamu betapa lambat dan pintar kamu.”

Lalu siput mulai merayap pelan-pelan, meninggalkan kancil di belakang. Kancil menunggu beberapa menit, lalu dia memutuskan untuk berlari mengejar siput. Dia yakin bahwa dia akan menyusul siput dalam sekejap. Dia berlari dan berlari, sampai dia mencapai tengah hutan. Dia berteriak, “Siput, di mana kamu?”

Untuk keheranannya, dia mendengar suara siput dari jauh di depan, berkata, “Saya di sini, kancil. Saya sudah jauh di depanmu.”

Kancil terkejut. Bagaimana bisa siput begitu cepat? Dia berpikir bahwa mungkin siput memiliki jalan pintas atau trik. Dia berlari lebih cepat dan lebih cepat, sampai dia mencapai ujung hutan. Dia berteriak lagi, “Siput, di mana kamu?”

Untuk keterkejutannya, dia melihat siput menunggunya di garis finish, berkata, “Saya di sini, kancil. Saya sudah menunggumu lama sekali.”

Kancil tidak percaya dengan matanya. Dia telah kalah dalam perlombaan dengan siput. Dia merasa malu dan geli. Dia bertanya kepada siput, “Bagaimana kamu bisa melakukan itu? Bagaimana kamu bisa mengalahkan saya dalam perlombaan?”

Siput tersenyum dan berkata, “Itu sederhana, kancil. Saya menggunakan otak saya, bukan kaki saya. Saya meminta teman-teman saya, siput-siput lain, untuk membantu saya. Kami menyebar di sepanjang hutan, dan kami berpura-pura menjadi saya. Ketika kamu memanggil saya, kami menjawabmu dari tempat yang berbeda. Kamu mengira bahwa saya adalah satu siput, tetapi saya adalah banyak siput. Itulah bagaimana saya menipumu dan memenangkan perlombaan.”

Kancil menyadari bahwa dia telah tertipu oleh siput. Dia merasa rendah hati dan menyesal. Dia berkata kepada siput, “Kamu benar, siput. Kamu lebih pintar daripada saya. Saya salah telah meremehkanmu dan membesar-besarkan diri saya. Saya minta maaf telah kasar dan sombong padamu. Tolong maafkan saya, dan mari kita berteman.”

Siput menerima permintaan maaf kancil dan menawarkan persahabatannya. Dia berkata, “Saya memaafkanmu, kancil. Dan saya menerima persahabatanmu. Tapi tolong ingat, jangan menilai buku dari sampulnya. Jangan merendahkan orang lain karena penampilan atau kemampuan mereka. Setiap orang memiliki kekuatan dan kelemahan mereka sendiri. Setiap orang pantas mendapat hormat dan kebaikan.”

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