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Cerita Kancil dan Tupai dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

The Mouse Deer and the Squirrel

Once upon a time, there was a clever mouse deer who lived in the forest. He liked to play tricks on other animals, especially the tiger who was always trying to catch him. One day, he met a squirrel who was looking for some nuts to eat. The mouse deer decided to have some fun with the squirrel.

“Hello, squirrel. What are you doing?” asked the mouse deer.

“Hello, mouse deer. I’m looking for some nuts. Do you know where I can find them?” asked the squirrel.

“Of course I do. There are plenty of nuts on that big tree over there. But you have to be careful. There is a tiger hiding behind the tree. He will eat you if he sees you,” said the mouse deer.

“Really? How do you know?” asked the squirrel.

“I saw him with my own eyes. He is very big and scary. He has sharp teeth and claws. He is waiting for someone to come near the tree so he can pounce on them,” said the mouse deer.

“Wow, that sounds terrifying. Thank you for warning me, mouse deer. I will stay away from that tree,” said the squirrel.

“You’re welcome, squirrel. But you know what? I have a plan to get rid of the tiger. Do you want to help me?” asked the mouse deer.

“Sure, I’ll help you. What is your plan?” asked the squirrel.

“Listen carefully. You have to pretend that you don’t know about the tiger. You have to act as if you are very hungry and want to eat the nuts on the tree. You have to climb the tree and make a lot of noise. Then, when the tiger comes out to catch you, you have to jump from one branch to another and escape. The tiger will not be able to catch you because he is too big and clumsy. He will get tired and frustrated. He will give up and leave the tree. Then, we can enjoy the nuts together. What do you think?” said the mouse deer.

“That sounds like a good plan. But are you sure it will work?” asked the squirrel.

“Trust me, it will work. I have done this before. The tiger is very stupid. He will fall for our trick. Come on, let’s go,” said the mouse deer.

The mouse deer and the squirrel went to the big tree where the nuts were. The mouse deer hid behind a bush and watched. The squirrel climbed the tree and started to eat the nuts. He made a lot of noise to attract the tiger’s attention.

“Yum, yum, these nuts are so delicious. I wish I had more. Oh, look, there are more nuts on that branch. I’ll go and get them,” said the squirrel loudly.

The tiger heard the squirrel’s voice and came out from behind the tree. He saw the squirrel on the tree and licked his lips. He thought that the squirrel would be an easy meal for him.

“Ha, ha, ha, what a lucky day for me. I have found a tasty snack. Come here, little squirrel. I will make you my lunch,” said the tiger.

He jumped on the tree and tried to catch the squirrel. But the squirrel was too fast and agile. He jumped from one branch to another and avoided the tiger’s claws. He taunted the tiger and made fun of him.

“Ha, ha, ha, you can’t catch me, you big, fat, lazy cat. You are too slow and clumsy. You should go back to your cave and sleep. You are no match for me,” said the squirrel.

The tiger was angry and embarrassed. He chased the squirrel all over the tree. But he could not catch him. He got tired and frustrated. He realized that he had been tricked by the mouse deer and the squirrel. He gave up and left the tree.

“Argh, I hate you, mouse deer and squirrel. You have fooled me again. You are too clever for me. I will get you next time,” said the tiger.

He went back to his cave and sulked. The mouse deer and the squirrel laughed and cheered. They had succeeded in their plan. They ate the nuts and shared them with their friends. They had a great time and thanked the mouse deer for his cleverness.

The end.


Kancil dan Tupai

Dahulu kala, ada seekor kancil pintar yang tinggal di hutan. Dia suka mempermainkan hewan lain, terutama harimau yang selalu berusaha menangkapnya. Suatu hari, dia bertemu dengan seekor tupai yang sedang mencari kacang untuk dimakan. Kancil memutuskan untuk bersenang-senang dengan tupai.

"Halo, tupai. Apa yang kamu lakukan?" tanya kancil.

"Halo, kancil. Saya mencari beberapa kacang. Apakah Anda tahu di mana saya bisa menemukannya?" tanya tupai.

"Tentu saja. Ada banyak kacang di pohon besar di sana. Tetapi Anda harus berhati-hati. Ada seekor harimau bersembunyi di balik pohon. Dia akan memakanmu jika dia melihatmu," kata kancil.

"Benarkah? Bagaimana Anda tahu?" tanya tupai.

"Saya melihatnya dengan mata kepala sendiri. Dia sangat besar dan menakutkan. Dia memiliki gigi dan cakar yang tajam. Dia sedang menunggu seseorang untuk mendekati pohon sehingga dia bisa menerkam mereka," kata kancil.

"Wow, kedengarannya menakutkan. Terima kasih telah memperingatkan saya, kancil. Aku akan menjauh dari pohon itu," kata tupai.

"Sama-sama, tupai. Tapi tahukah Anda? Saya punya rencana untuk menyingkirkan harimau itu. Apakah Anda ingin membantu saya?" tanya kancil.

"Tentu, aku akan membantumu. Apa rencanamu?" tanya tupai.

"Dengarkan baik-baik. Anda harus berpura-pura tidak tahu tentang harimau. Anda harus bertindak seolah-olah Anda sangat lapar dan ingin makan kacang di pohon. Anda harus memanjat pohon dan membuat banyak suara. Kemudian, ketika harimau keluar untuk menangkap Anda, Anda harus melompat dari satu cabang ke cabang lain dan melarikan diri. Harimau tidak akan bisa menangkapmu karena dia terlalu besar dan canggung. Dia akan lelah dan frustrasi. Dia akan menyerah dan meninggalkan pohon itu. Kemudian, kita bisa menikmati kacang bersama. Bagaimana menurutmu?" kata kancil.

"Kedengarannya seperti rencana yang bagus. Tapi apakah Anda yakin itu akan berhasil?" tanya tupai.

"Percayalah, itu akan berhasil. Saya telah melakukan ini sebelumnya. Harimau itu sangat bodoh. Dia akan jatuh cinta pada tipuan kita. Ayo, ayo pergi," kata kancil.

Kancil dan tupai pergi ke pohon besar tempat kacang berada. Kancil bersembunyi di balik semak-semak dan mengawasi. Tupai memanjat pohon dan mulai memakan kacang. Dia membuat banyak suara untuk menarik perhatian harimau.

"Yum, yum, kacang ini sangat enak. Saya berharap saya memiliki lebih banyak. Oh, lihat, ada lebih banyak kacang di cabang itu. Aku akan pergi dan mengambilnya," kata tupai itu dengan keras.

Harimau itu mendengar suara tupai dan keluar dari balik pohon. Dia melihat tupai di pohon dan menjilat bibirnya. Dia berpikir bahwa tupai akan menjadi makanan yang mudah baginya.

"Ha, ha, ha, sungguh hari yang beruntung bagiku. Saya telah menemukan camilan lezat. Kemarilah, tupai kecil. Aku akan membuatkanmu makan siangku," kata harimau.

Dia melompat ke pohon dan mencoba menangkap tupai. Tapi tupai itu terlalu cepat dan gesit. Dia melompat dari satu cabang ke cabang lain dan menghindari cakar harimau. Dia mengejek harimau itu dan mengolok-oloknya.

"Ha, ha, ha, kamu tidak bisa menangkapku, dasar kucing besar, gemuk, malas. Kamu terlalu lambat dan canggung. Anda harus kembali ke gua Anda dan tidur. Anda tidak cocok untuk saya, "kata tupai.

Harimau itu marah dan malu. Dia mengejar tupai di seluruh pohon. Tapi dia tidak bisa menangkapnya. Dia lelah dan frustrasi. Dia menyadari bahwa dia telah ditipu oleh kancil dan tupai. Dia menyerah dan meninggalkan pohon itu.

"Argh, aku membencimu, kancil dan tupai. Anda telah membodohi saya lagi. Kamu terlalu pintar untukku. Aku akan menangkapmu lain kali," kata harimau.

Dia kembali ke guanya dan merajuk. Kancil dan tupai tertawa dan bersorak. Mereka telah berhasil dalam rencana mereka. Mereka makan kacang dan membaginya dengan teman-teman mereka. Mereka bersenang-senang dan berterima kasih kepada kancil atas kepintarannya.


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